Web / App Development

James Heffernan
Multimedia Developer/Designer

The Pirate Box

As part of my User Theories module, we looked at hackerspaces and DIY/Maker culture.
As part of my CA for the module I coded a version of the pirateBox - a mod for the Raspberry Pi. The raspberry Pi was setup with the open-source software through the command line, while the frontend was coded in html5 and php. The user was "fooled" into connecting to the device.. mistaking it for free wifi. Instead users were connected to a Net Art gallery.

Old Tweets

While coding my grad project I needed to devise a way to get old tweets from twitter with a particular hashtag.. this is how I got along.

Backwards Eng

Like most projects sometimes trying to re-invent the wheel is a waste of time. Here I was interested in how the twitter app was constructed. This was for educational purposes only.