So now I had the skeleton for my site but I was missing one crutial piece of the puzzle.

A Blog.

I love to write and to discuss. I admire those who recognise the value for what they do, but also realise their responsibilty to give something back.
This is what I wanted from this blog space. I place where people could go and learn about what I did, how I did it and why I did it.

I wanted a clean simple cms. I thought of building one and had just started using Pelican when, I remembered signing up for Ghost while it was in Beta testing. I had not had the opportunity to explore the platfrom. Maybe with a bit of tweaking this might work.

I downloaded Ghost onto my mac, you need node.js to be installed before you can use it. From here I could access the blogs html, css and configuration files.

COOool. Ghost was exactly what I wanted. A nice dashboard, simple and built for writing. Like Tumblr it has a nice to-the-point interface, stripping out the bloat that other platforms like Wordpress and Blogger carry around with them.

I know what your thinking... James a blogging site is dynamic you can't host it on Github.... or can I?
I am very grateful to fellow Githubber axitkhurana who wrote a fabulous static site generator for Ghost, called Buster.

So for you too to become cool GhostBusters follow my next post.