This tutorial is really short. First download Buster. To do so open your terminal and type: sudo easyinstall pip You need pip a python packaging manager to install Buster. Now run the command: pip install…

So now I had the skeleton for my site but I was missing one crutial piece of the puzzle. A Blog. I love to write and to discuss. I admire those who recognise the value…

After 10 minutes the site was live! Clicking through everything ran super smooth then.... no a typo. One of the links was dead. It was really no big deal. I had two options. I could…

Ok so I had the site, and it is dynamic. Whenever I upload a new piece of work on Behance it updates my website too - nice. But it is still on my mac. That…

The next step was writing the code. I knew that I wanted to make the site responsive. That is that the site changes its css or styling depending on the device that the user is…

Today's entry will discuss how this site as a whole was created and published. The post following this will discuss the overall plan and what improvements are being finalised for the portfolio section. Getting Started…